Friday, August 1, 2008

Exxon Mobil Sets Another Quarterly Profit Record

Often times on the campaign trail, I ask this question: "Where is the outrage when our trooops and their families are sacrificing so much and we average Amercicans are paying $4.00 per gallon for gasoline while the major oil companies are making record profits?"

In discussing the need to have a total realignment of our energy model, I have cited the record profits Exxon Mobil made in 2007. These were not only record profits for Exxon Mobil, but they were record profits ever for a corporation. It is obvious that Exxon Mobil and the major oil companies need to be thoroughly investigated. Of course, we must keep in mind that our country has been hijacked by the oil industry with the likes of the current administration. After all, there was a tanker called the Condoleezza Rice in the recent past.

Well, it has happened again! Exxon Mobil yesterday reported the best quarterly profit for a corporation, even beating its last record profit! companies

It is time we institute my proposal to "Renew America" and end our dependence upon the major oil companies. With locally controlled, not for profit, renewable energy companies, there is no reason we can not some day plug our electric vehicles into renewable energy sources. It can be done! It is time to stop the influence of special interests in Washington and end the "stagnant quo".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for change in Massachusetts. John Kerry does not know what it's like to be a citizen of Massachusetts anymore, he is more concerned with national issues, and doesn't take into consideration how these issues affect us here in the NorthEast. I'm tired of his do nothing way of representating us. Ed O'reilly is a fighter, he'll tell it like it is, and fight for our concerns in Massachusetts.
Vote Ed O'reilly, September 19th. Let's shake up Washington!