Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I am posting the following on bluemassgroup blog today:

As I reflect on Saturday's Convention, I want to thank the members of our party for the graciousness for which I was received. As a long time John Kerry supporter, who became disillusioned after his vote to support President Bush's unilateral military action in Iraq, I found many delegates sharing my feelings of disenchantment. I also found commonality with delegates who put their efforts behind Howard Dean's courageous stance against the Republican Propaganda Machine at that time. Ultimately, I shared every delegates support for Mr. Kerry as our Democratic Presidential Nominee.

My candidacy for the U.S. Senate is the result of many months of discussions with the people of Massachusetts. As a supporter of Mr. Kerry's for over twenty years, I felt that others must share in the disappointment, not only with Senator Kerry's vote on Iraq, but with his inability to stand with a clear message of convictions.
I also thought that others must share the dissatisfaction I felt from Mr. Kerry having $15m left in his campaign fund as we lost Ohio by the slimmest of margins. It was not only the loss in Ohio, but the decision not to contest the voting process, that disturbed me. Not surprisingly, the delegates with whom I spoke, shared in these same emotions.

My candidacy for the U.S. Senate is about change. It is about the courage of convictions. It is about the commitment to clear and concise Democratic principles. As a person from a working class background, I understand how it is to live week to week on a paycheck. I understand the value of public education. As a former union worker, I understand the power of standing together. I understand the concept of "We the People".

I also understand that my candidacy is not about me, but about us--about us, as a United Democratic Party in these United States. The time has come to carry the message that new leadership means a new partnership; a partnership between our U.S. Senator and the people of Massachusetts--a partnership that brings a renewed sense of purpose. It is a positive message of hope and change in our state, our country and the world.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Democratic Principles?

John Kerry is having his opening "kickoff" this evening. Most Massachusetts Democrats do not know about this opening of his Senate Campaign because the minimum amount to attend is $1,000. If a constituent would like to belong to a smaller group and have an audience with our, "elected by the people U.S. Senator," the cost is $2,300.

I find this event, which should be the most inclusive of any campaign, to be an affront to the rank and file Democrats across the state.

I have written Mr. Kerry a letter ( indicating that I will be declining this invitation.

More importantly, I have asked Senator Kerry, in this letter, to donate the $15m Democrats contributed to his Presidential Campaign Fund. This is/was not his money to spend on other campaigns or as he sees fit three years after the Presidential Campaign that he lost. He should have used the money to win in Ohio and, at least, contest the election.

I am particularly upset because Mr. Kerry paid himself back $6.4m from the fund, but didn't return anyone else's money.

I have called upon Mr. Kerry to donate all of this money to charitable Veterans' Groups. Please read the entire letter I sent to Senator Kerry at .

I do not believe Mr. Kerry's vote to support the war in Iraq was a mistake because everything John Kerry does is very calculated. I'll comment on that later. If, on the other hand, we are to believe it was a mistake, he should pay Veterans and their families for that mistake. Quoting Mr. Kerry's own words to support the troops "not just in words, but in actions".