Friday, October 26, 2007

International Law and Iran

Iran is a sovereign country and any attack upon it would be a violation of International Law according to the Charter of the United Nations

The Bush administration wants a dialogue to begin about attacking Iran. It has thrown out several reasons, none of which are justified under International Law, for an attack.

There should be no dialogue about violating International Law.

Ed O'Reilly
Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Iran Warmongering, Military Commissions Act, Cowboys, Blackwater

The decision today by Secretary of State Rice, to implement "rules" relative to private security agencies operating in Iraq, clearly rejects suggestions by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates that security contractors be placed under military control. U.S. military commanders and officers in Iraq have sharply criticized the contractors, and North Carolina-based Blackwater in particular, for behaving like "cowboys" and undermining U.S. objectives for bringing stability to Iraq according to today's Washington Post

I have a question: If Iraq had a Military Commissions Act as we do here in the United States, could people serving in Blackwater and other "security" companies be categorized as illegal alien enemy combatants? If so, it would follow that these American Citizens would then be subjected to a legal system that excludes the protections of the Geneva Convention, denies Habeas Corpus and the right to a civilian attorney, and could leave them imprisoned for years without a right to a speedy trial. In reality, as the law now stands in Iraq, murder by these contractors could arguably be above any law.

In terms of Iran, VP Cheney and President Bush seem to be proceeding with the rhetoric that will lead us into some type of military conflict with Iran. The propaganda is not meant to sway the European Community, as both Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney are stating, but to convince us, as Americans, that we must use military force against Iran. We must respond to this war mongering in order to stop the momentum at its earliest stages.

I firmly believe that this Administration is intent on military action against Iran, not to protect Iraqi civilians or our troops, but to protect the oil industry in the southern part of Iraq--prior to their leaving office.

As a U.S. Senator, my voice would be loud and clear on this issue. The beating of the drums of war must be silenced by rational dialogue and aggressive diplomacy.

Ed O'Reilly
Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Washington Red and Blue is Green All Over

As a Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts running for the seat currently held by John Kerry, I was appalled by the Democrats' failure to address a tax loophole
Washington Post
for some of the wealthiest people in America. This tax loophole for billionaires has been called the size of a Mack truck by Huffington Post

It is a sad day in America when the only common ground that Republicans and Democrats have found is the bowing to powerful special interest lobbying. John Kerry skipped out of the Senate to start his vacation a day early on August 3rd and was AWOL on the important FISA vote which took a big chunk out of our Constitution. Again, it is the non vote that really defines the lack of leadership and absence of the courage of convictions. Should not the U.S. Senate have shortened their month long vacation while we are at War to take up a loophole that could pay for the health care of every low income child in America through the age of 12?

If you would like to stop the influence of special interests, please visit Act Blue

Ed O'Reilly