Thursday, October 18, 2007

Washington Red and Blue is Green All Over

As a Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts running for the seat currently held by John Kerry, I was appalled by the Democrats' failure to address a tax loophole
Washington Post
for some of the wealthiest people in America. This tax loophole for billionaires has been called the size of a Mack truck by Huffington Post

It is a sad day in America when the only common ground that Republicans and Democrats have found is the bowing to powerful special interest lobbying. John Kerry skipped out of the Senate to start his vacation a day early on August 3rd and was AWOL on the important FISA vote which took a big chunk out of our Constitution. Again, it is the non vote that really defines the lack of leadership and absence of the courage of convictions. Should not the U.S. Senate have shortened their month long vacation while we are at War to take up a loophole that could pay for the health care of every low income child in America through the age of 12?

If you would like to stop the influence of special interests, please visit Act Blue

Ed O'Reilly

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The culture of corruption in DC is growing by leaps and bounds! Hedge fund tax scam is just one example.

The phone companies trying to gain immunity for violating privacy rights are trying to buy their way in the Senate Intelligence Committee. See the October 23 NYTimes article -- -- “We have so many examples like this of people on relevant committees receiving these contributions from people who are under their jurisdictions,” Ms. McGehee said. “It’s sad to say, but it is pretty much business as usual in Washington. And it shows why so many Americans just shake their heads over the way Washington works.”

And yet another example is military procurement, including Blackwater. See the October 21 Frank Rich column -- -- "... the culture of corruption, Iraq war division, remains firmly entrenched. Though some American bribe-takers have been caught ... we are asked to believe they are isolated incidents. The higher reaches of the chain of command have been spared, much as they were at Abu Ghraib.
"Even a turnover in administrations doesn’t guarantee reform. J. Cofer Black, the longtime C.I.A. hand who is now Blackwater’s vice chairman, has signed on as a Mitt Romney adviser. Hillary Clinton’s Karl Rove, Mark Penn, doubles as the chief executive of Burson-Marsteller, the P.R. giant whose subsidiary helped prepare Mr. Prince [owner of Blackwater] for his Congressional testimony. ..."

Ed is right: red, blue, and green all over.